Spanish lessons (ser y estar)

The verb 'To be' is of particular importance in English. It corresponds to the Spanish verbs "ser" and "estar". Depending on the meaning of the phrase, we will deduce which of the two it is.

I am English / Soy inglés
I am in England / Estoy en Inglaterra

It has some special uses different than Spanish equivalents.

- Used to express age, in which case translates into 'tener':

Mary is 20 years old / Maria tiene 20 años
I am 21 / Yo tengo 21 años
How old are you? / ¿Cuántos años tienes?

- To express the feelings also used the verb 'to be' and is equivalent to 'tener' in Spanish.

Are you hungry? / ¿Tienes hambre?
He is thirsty / Tiene sed

-Also to talk about the weather. In this case translates to 'hacer'
It's windy / Hace viento
It's very cold / Hace mucho frío

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